The Subdivision and Development Authority for the Municipal District is the Municipal Planning Commission, except in such instances whereby the Designated Officer (Development Officer) may be the development authority in accordance with the land use bylaw. The Municipal Planning Commission makes the decision on all discretionary use applications and subdivision applications.
The Municipal Planning Commission is comprised of all seven municipal Councillors and normally meets the third Wednesday of each month unless otherwise stated.
The agendas for an upcoming MPC meeting will be posted on the website at least three days before the scheduled meeting.
The minutes of previous MPC meetings will be posted on the website once they have been approved by the Commission.
Understanding Planning & Development
Development in the Province of Alberta is guided by Land Use Planning, Subdivision and legislation that consists of:
- The Municipal Government Act
- Statutory Plans
- Subdivision & Development Regulations
- NRCB, ERCB, AEUB authorizations
There are various types of planning legislation that regulate how development takes place on your property. Although every municipality is governed by the same Municipal Government Act and Subdivision and Development Regulations, specific regulations for development generally vary between municipalities.
The Municipal Government Act empowers municipalities to make planning and development decisions within their boundaries. The Municipal Planning Commission is a sub-committee of Council that serves as both the Subdivision and Development Authority for the Municipal District [MD].
Within the MD, Planning, and Development decisions are guided by a hierarchy of planning documents that have been adopted by Council.
The Municipal Development Plan [MDP] is the overarching planning document that identifies objectives and establishes policies for future land use within the MD. It provides broad direction on how development is expected to occur and how decisions on development are made. The policies and objectives established in the MDP are implemented through the Land Use Bylaw [LUB].
The Land Use Bylaw [LUB] divides the municipality into land use districts and establishes regulations and standards governing land use and development in each district. For each district, there is a set of permitted uses, discretionary uses, and prohibited uses. The LUB contains details on how to make applications for development permits; how and by whom decisions on applications are made; notification procedures for applications; the validity of a permit; and conditions that may be attached. Among other things, the LUB also contains regulations regarding use, setbacks and parcel sizes.
An Area Structure Plan is a statutory plan that establishes the general planning framework for future subdivision and development of an area of undeveloped land. Typically, landowners/developers are required to prepare an ASP to accompany a request for a Land Use Amendment. ASPs provide land uses, access, servicing, road networks and policy direction for specific parcels of land.
Inter-municipal Development Plan is a land-use planning tool prepared jointly by the MD and its adjacent municipalities. An IDP provides for a cooperative and coordinated policy approach to land use planning strategies, subdivision and development in fringe areas deemed common to both municipalities.
If you have questions on how these documents affect the use of your land within the Municipal District of Willow Creek No. 26 please contact the Planning & Development Department.