MD of Willow Creek Releases a Revised and Updated Online Burn Permit Application
The MD of Willow Creek is pleased to announce that they have released a newly revised and updated online Burn Permit application accessible at the following website:
This new process for issuing Burn Permits online will greatly increase the accessibility and accountability for residents burning, plus it will allow us to manage the burns and collect statistics for future planning. We know who and where permitted burns are taking place at the time of the burn.
The new online burn permit application process replaces the current way fire permit are received and processed in the MD of Willow Creek. Receiving approval to burn with a burn permit is a quicker process now. The Emergency Services Department utilizes an app which allows them to respond immediately, or at most within a few hours of the submission. The permitting process is monitored by the Emergency Services Department and is accessible by rate payers applying for burn permits on a 24/7 basis.
A significant benefit of the new burn permit process is that it is accessible 24/7 by anyone wanting to apply for a burn permit and another added benefit is that the new online system will facilitate a faster implementation of Fire Burning Bans. It will notify residents who have an active burn permit of any Fire Bans or restrictions, directly to their cell phones. Plus, the new Burn Permit system will notify residents with active permits to extinguish their burns at 10 pm each night.
The new updated Burn Permit process now has two classifications for burning permits.
- Class 1 is for small burns, less than 10’ x 10’ X 5’
- Class 2 is for large burns, any area that is 10’ X 10’ X 5’ or larger.
Small recreational fire pits do not require a burn permit
Burn barrels do not require a burn permit if they have a spark screen on top of the barrel.
For all other fires, burning permits are required year-round in the MD of Willow Creek.
For any residents who are unable to access the online Burn Permit application from either their mobile phone or home computer, they may apply in person at the MD of Willow Creek main office located at 273129 Secondary Highway 520 West for a burn permit.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the MD of Willow Creek Emergency Services Manger Kelly Starling at 403-625-3351 EXT 225